Your Most Frequently Asked Orthodontic Questions – Answered!

Whether you’re considering braces for your child or are looking to straighten your own teeth as an adult, at Norwest Orthodontics, we’re always happy to answer any questions you have.

And, it turns out many people have similar queries when it comes to the orthodontic process.

So, to alleviate any concerns and to shed some further light on the field of orthodontics, here are the most common questions that we are asked, and the answers that we hope will assist as you navigate the orthodontic journey.

General questions

Do I need a referral to see an orthodontist? No. Although your dentist may recommend you see an orthodontist, a referral is not required.

In fact, an orthodontist is among the medical professionals you should see throughout the journey of life.

Touching base with an orthodontist is as simple as scheduling an appointment to discuss any concerns you have, any treatment you may require, and to ascertain how and whether they are the right professional to assist.

How do I select the right orthodontist? As with any healthcare professional, finding the right orthodontist involves ascertaining their credentials and expertise, and establishing a solid working relationship. Key things to look for include:

·         Experience – How long have they been in the field, what are their qualifications?
·         Proven results – Do they have images and testimonials regarding the work they have previously done?
·         Communication – How does it feel when you’re talking to staff at an orthodontic clinic? Are they happy to walk you through options? Do they make you feel at ease and afford you a warm welcome?
·         The clinical environment – What is the condition of the orthodontic clinic? Is it modern, clean and welcoming?

Why do straight teeth matter? Not only do straight teeth look great, and improve your self-confidence, they also facilitate a lifetime of better dental health.

Straight teeth are easier to clean and therefore less prone to decay. Meanwhile, it’s important to note, orthodontics is not just about straight teeth, but also about the bite. Teeth that meet at the right angle are less prone to wear, tear and trauma, and can facilitate improved speech, improved breathing and improved sleep.  

What’s different about Norwest Orthodontics? We treat people, not just teeth – our philosophy is wholistic. We believe orthodontics can improve self-confidence and general wellbeing, leading to a lifetime of better dental health.

This philosophy is backed by a team of professionals, led by Dr Shimanto Purkayastha, the only board-certified specialist orthodontist in the Norwest area. Not only do we boast the highest industry credentials, but we work with our patients, sharing the orthodontic journey.

How is an orthodontist different to a dentist? While a dentist focuses on oral health and preventative care by looking at the condition of teeth, gums, and oral tissue, an orthodontist specialises in aligning teeth and the jaws.

In addition to five years of studying general dentistry and two years clinical experience working as a dentist, an orthodontist undertakes a further three years study to specialise in this field.

Are braces painful? Braces treatment is designed to shift the teeth gently into position over time, which means very few people experience any discomfort.

The first week with braces is when people tend to notice their presence most as your mouth adapts to having the brackets and arch wires. This is temporary and should soon subside.

What is the best treatment? There is no one-size-fits-all “best treatment” when it comes to orthodontics. Every bite and all teeth are as unique as the individual behind them. That means treatment should be equally individual.

At Norwest Orthodontics, we harness the best available diagnostic techniques and the most effective treatment options to create a tailored treatment program for every individual we see.

Saying that, two of our preferred braces options are the Damon Braces System and Invisalign. Meanwhile, our entire team is always focused on increasing our knowledge and skills when it comes to proven treatments that offer the best possible outcome for our patients.

What are Damon Braces? Known as the Rolls Royce of the braces’ world, Damon Braces are a self-ligating system designed to offer shorter treatment times, fewer extractions and increased patient comfort.

They’re also highly regarded as being a gentle braces system that helps maintain greater oral hygiene.

Self-ligating braces differ to traditional lingual braces as they allow a custom-made arch wire to slide though the brackets and shift teeth into position, rather than the arch wire being “tied” to the brackets.

Damon Braces are also available with clear brackets.

What is Invisalign? Invisalign uses a series of custom-fitted clear aligners that are regularly changed to guide teeth into the desired position. Patients are required to wear their aligners 22 hours a day, removing them only to eat and for rare special occasions.

Invisalign treatment is ideal for people seeking a more discreet orthodontic option, and this has seen Invisalign become the treatment of choice for a large number of adults looking to straighten their teeth.

Common questions for parents of children and teens
Will my child need braces? That depends on a whole range of factors that are best assessed early (at about the age of seven).

Indicators your child may require orthodontic treatment include crowded teeth and crooked teeth, but sometimes the signs aren’t visually obvious. A major focus of orthodontics is aligning the bite, which has an impact on how people eat, speak and even breathe throughout their life.

When should my child first see an orthodontist? The Australian Society of Orthodontists recommends orthodontics for children start at the age of seven. This allows any potential issues to be flagged early and, in some cases, early intervention might be advised.

At the age of seven, many of the adult teeth are already in position or emerging, which gives an orthodontist a good indication of what’s likely to happen in the future. It also allows us to take action if possible, which may result in less extensive work in the future and eliminate the need for teeth extraction.

Will my child need teeth removed? The short answer is – only if it is absolutely necessary. At Norwest Orthodontics we assess every patient on an individual basis and only in some cases will it be necessary to remove teeth due to crowding.

Dr Shimanto will avoid teeth extraction where possible and will use other techniques if he feels they can assist. In the rare cases where we do recommend any teeth extraction, it is only carried out when absolutely necessary to ensure an excellent end result.

The most important thing to remember is that orthodontic treatment is designed to give you a perfect smile for life.

How long do braces take to work? Orthodontic treatments are far more efficient and effective than in years gone by, shaving months of the time it previously took to achieve a picture-perfect smile that lasts a lifetime.

That said, orthodontic treatment is still a process that takes time and can’t be rushed, with the length of time treatment takes depending on the individual.

As a general guide, most patients see their teeth straighten during the first months of treatment. But after that, there’s a lot of work going on behind the scenes. This includes stabilising the teeth in their new position, and also remedying any issues with the bite.

What about wisdom teeth? Contrary to popular belief, wisdom teeth do not always affect orthodontic work, but the best protection is to keep an eye on them as they emerge.

Wisdom teeth usually erupt when people are between the ages of 17 and 25, and in many cases, they can be managed by wearing a retainer.

In rare cases, they may erupt at an incorrect angle that has the potential to irritate other teeth and the gums. This is known as impaction and might result in a recommendation they are removed.

My child has straight teeth, why would they need to see an orthodontist? Orthodontic treatment is not just about the appearance of straight teeth.

In many cases the primary focus of treatment is actually aligning the bite and jaw, which affect how the teeth meet and wear over time, along with how they assist in chewing and speech.

Even if your child has the appearance of straight teeth, it is recommended they see an orthodontist to ensure there are no hidden issues with the bite that may affect their dental and general wellbeing in the future.

Common questions for adults considering orthodontic treatment

How late is too late for braces? It’s never too late to have the perfect smile you deserve, and more and more adults are now seeking orthodontic treatment.

In adults, orthodontic treatment not only gives you additional self-confidence, courtesy of a winning smile, it also helps maximise your dental health and general wellbeing in the future.

Meanwhile, there are a wealth of options available to ensure orthodontic work is discreet. These include clear Invisalign aligners and the Damon Clear braces system.

Why are my teeth shifting? It’s an interesting fact that not only does our jaw shrink as we age, but sometimes life events like pregnancy result in teeth moving out of alignment. Meanwhile, trauma may also see previously straight or aligned teeth shift from their orderly position.

If you have noticed your teeth seem more crowded, or have recently moved, check in with an orthodontist. Sooner is always better than later when it comes to minimising the treatment required.

How else can an orthodontist assist? People often associate orthodontists with braces, but our role extends far beyond “straightening teeth”. We can also assist with breathing problems, speech impediments and sleep apnoea.

I had braces, why would I need to see an orthodontist? Your relationship with an orthodontist doesn’t end the day braces come off. In fact, an orthodontist should be a professional you touch base with fairly regularly over the course of your life.

It’s a good idea to see an orthodontist during pregnancy, after a trauma to your teeth, or if you notice your teeth are shifting.

Meanwhile, if you suffer sleep apnoea, an orthodontist may also be able to assist with appliances, like SomnoDent Australia that shift your jaw into a better sleeping position.

Should you lose a tooth, an orthodontist could also be a professional you wish to consult, in order to maintain the desired teeth position, while you await a replacement.

Payment questions
How much does treatment cost? The cost of orthodontic treatment depends on many factors, including the severity of the problem, its complexity and length of treatment.

However often it’s a lot more affordable than people believe. At Norwest Orthodontics, we offer a variety of payment plans that start from as little as $10 a day.

Meanwhile, the Australian Society of Orthodontists notes the price of standard metal brace varies from $5000 to $9000 depending on what’s involved.

It’s important to remember investing in orthodontic treatment can save you further financial outlay for dental problems later down the track.

How do I budget for treatment? Like any worthwhile investment, the cost of braces and treatment can be managed with a little budgeting.

At Norwest Orthodontics, we are clear with our patients about the anticipated cost from the outset, and even have interest-free payment plans available to help manage the cost.

These start from as little as $10 a day, allowing you to incorporate the cost of treatment into your weekly outlay.

Does my medical insurer cover braces? If you have private health insurance, you may be entitled to claim a portion of the cost of braces back from your health fund.

It’s important you discuss this with your insurer first to ascertain exactly what and how much they will cover. Orthodontics is often considered an extra, so waiting periods might apply before you can claim any treatment costs.

About Norwest Orthodontics
Norwest Orthodontics specialises in helping you achieve a great smile, no matter your age. We feature a range of orthodontic treatments that span from early intervention right through to remedial adult work.

We also have a suite of treatments available that include insignia treatment, elementrix orthodontics and welcome the opportunity to work with you to achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

You can learn more about our services, or contact us here to make an appointment here.


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