
Showing posts from October, 2018

10 Hidden Benefits Of Straight Teeth

A beautiful smile may be the ultimate outcome of orthodontic treatment, but there are also a host of hidden benefits to having straight teeth. The advantages of a winning smile extend long into the future and encompass everything from psychological wellbeing to better general health. Here are just some of the reasons why improving your smile impacts almost every area of life, including the top 10 hidden benefits of straight teeth.  Easier to clean Pearly whites lined up neatly in a row are far easier to clean than overcrowded teeth or a misaligned bite. And this provides a great foundation for a lifetime of good oral health. Diligent cleaning and good oral hygiene results in fewer cavities and reduced tooth loss. Less bad breath As straight teeth provide fewer places for nasties like food debris and bacteria to hide, it also reduces the likelihood of bad breath. Fewer cavities The World Health Organization recently released statistics indicating worldwide, 60–90% of

Ensuring Braces Are Affordable

It’s hard to put a price on the lifetime benefits of a confident and healthy smile, but the reality is the cost of orthodontic treatment is a consideration for many individuals and families weighing up braces. The good news is, orthodontics can be much more affordable and attainable than many believe. So, here’s how we make orthodontic treatment accessible at Norwest Orthodontics . The price The price of orthodontic treatment and damon braces depends on what treatment is required and the severity of the case involved. That said, as a general guide, traditional braces worn over an 18-month period usually cost between $5000 and $9000. At Norwest Orthodontics, we appreciate that’s a significant sum to factor into the family budget, and it’s not one you would need to fork out in a single lump sum payment. Instead, we offer flexible payment plans, and here’s a rundown on how they work. Payment plans We believe the orthodontic process is about working with our patients. So

Habits That Damage Your Smile

A great smile is worth protecting as it’s a feature that will carry you with confidence through life. But did you know there are a range of habits that can potentially damage that smile? We’re not just talking poor diet or oral hygiene here, either, but seemingly innocuous daily habits many of us are unaware of. Here are seven common habits that have the potential to damage your smile. Thumb sucking Although less common in adults, thumb sucking has the potential to affect the alignment of teeth. In fact, if the habit is prevalent and extends beyond the age of five or six when adult teeth arrive, it can affect the position of teeth and the shape of the jaw. That’s because thumb sucking applies gentle pressure to the teeth and the accumulated effect adds up over time. If your child sucks their thumb, encourage them to break the habit before they lose their baby teeth. Mouth breathing Whether it’s for medical reasons like enlarged tonsils and allergies, or due to the fo