
Showing posts from December, 2018

Eight Things To Tell Your Teen About Braces

These days damon braces are almost a right of passage for children entering their teen years and for most kids the news they require them is taken in their teenage stride. Some, however, may have a few reservations or doubts. If your child is baulking at the prospect, here’s eight things to tell your teen about braces. They’re common A host of orthodontic statistics indicate just how common braces are. It’s estimated 45% of kids need orthodontic intervention to fix obvious problems but when you consider less obvious issues like jaw misalignment that statistic rises to around 75%. This means braces are far more common than they were in years gone by, with most teens likely to have many friends who have them during their school years. Most welcome the news Recent research by the Australian Society of Orthodontists shows many teens appreciate an investment into their future oral health. The ASO notes: “70% of Aussie kids are happy or excited when they find out they’ll need

An Insight Into Invisalign

Invisalign has emerged as one of the most revolutionary treatment options in orthodontics, allowing patients access to teeth straightening without visible braces. If you’re investigating your options when it comes to the perfect smile, here’s an insight into Invisalign. What is Invisalign? Invisalign treatment is the clear alternative to braces that can help achieve a straighter smile. Invisalign uses a series of clear, custom-made aligners to gradually move teeth into their desired position. How does the treatment work? Every one to two weeks you’ll be given a new set of aligners which gradually position the teeth ideally. The number of aligners required, and hence the length of treatment depends on the severity of the orthodontic problem and varies person to person. Will it work for me? Invisalign is a viable alternative to braces for most people requiring orthodontic treatment. Dr Shimanto will carefully assess whether Invisalign is the right option for you. He will

Teenagers And Braces – A Match Made In Heaven

For many teenagers, braces are almost a rite of passage and there’s a good reason this is the case. It is estimated around 75 per cent of teens have an issue with the position of their teeth and bite alignment after mature teeth erupt. More importantly, as the body is still growing, the teen years offer the perfect window to address these issues effectively. Although there is no cut-off date for orthodontics for teenagers and indeed more and more adults are benefitting from orthodontic work, when it comes to teenagers and braces, they are indeed a match made in heaven. Here’s why… The perfect window Between the ages of 10 and 13, most children have all their permanent teeth in place, but the body is still continuing its rapid growth. This makes the teen years an ideal time to straighten teeth and align the bite. In a nutshell, all the essential ingredients are in place and the body is primed to handle and take on the changes required.  Importantly, as bone gr

Giving Your Child The Best Start With Damon Braces

We all want the orthodontics for children . Quite simply, most of our decisions after having children are centred on how to give them the best possible opportunities and lifestyle that we can provide. Giving your child the best possible start by providing them with the best orthodontic care and treatment can set them up for a life of success, confidence and good health. Dental health and appearance are strongly linked to each individual’s impression of their self-image, so by investing in your child’s treatment now you will see them grow into their full potential as an adult. Norwest Orthodontics are an exclusive supplier of the Damon Braces range of orthodontic treatments, offering a superior level of quality and effectiveness for your child’s care. Norwest Orthodontics combines the best professional practices with superior technologies in orthodontic treatment and is the natural choice for those who want the best for their child’s teeth. In considering the “best” treatment o