
Showing posts from January, 2019

Meet Orthodontist Dr Shimanto Purkayastha – A Highly Trained Individual

As you consider orthodontic treatment, chances are you’ll be weighing up which orthodontist is the right person to meet your individual needs and wondering about the credentials they have. We thought we’d take this opportunity to offer a little insight into the skills and training required to become an orthodontist, explain a little more about their unique area of expertise, and introduce you to Norwest Orthodontist Dr Shimanto Purkayastha, the only board-certified orthodontist in the Norwest area. General dentistry Becoming a specialist orthodontist requires extensive training, which first commences with the completion of an AHPRA- recognised general dentistry degree. This initial field of study is designed to give orthodontists a comprehensive understanding of general dentistry including common dental health issues, oral hygiene and dental treatment, along with a working insight into jaw structure and teeth development. In Australia, this degree takes about five years to

Five Ways A New Smile Can Transform Your Life

No matter your age, there’s no time like the present to embrace a great smile, and the truth is the benefits of a confident, unbridled smile can extend into areas of your life you never imagined. From how you’re perceived to your inner happiness and health, here are five reasons to invest in your smile and flash it with confident abandon. Smiling makes you happier It may seem counterintuitive if you’re feeling down in the dumps, but research indicates the simple act of smiling can actually lift your mood. That’s because, even if it’s forced, smiling releases endorphins in your brain. Psychology Today explains smiling acts in a couple of ways: it activates neuropeptides that work toward fighting off stress while “feel-good neurotransmitters dopamine, endorphins and serotonin are all released when a smile flashes across your face as well. This not only relaxes your body, but it can lower your heart rate and blood pressure”. “Finally, the serotonin release brought on by your

Foods That Stain Your Teeth

If you’ve invested time, effort and money in achieving the perfect smile through damon braces , the last thing you want to do is taint those pearly whites. And the truth is there are a host of foods many of us consume each and every day which can do exactly that. From citrus that affects your enamel, to coffee that yellows your smile, here is a list of foods that can potentially stain your teeth. Citrus and acid While a touch of lemon in your water won’t have too great an effect, the prolonged and extensive consumption of citrus can have a negative impact on your teeth. That’s because the high acid level in this healthy little number can wear away tooth enamel, leaving your teeth looking a little more yellow, and more prone to decay. Coffee Those who like a morning pick-me-up may be saddened to learn that coffee is one of the prime suspects when it comes to tooth staining. The problem with coffee is the tannins within it, but the fact it alters the acid levels in your mouth