Last Minute Things To Do Before You Get Braces

So, there it is looming large on the calendar – the day you get braces!

Well, first up, congratulations. You are about to embark on an orthodontic journey that will not only improve the appearance of your smile but also facilitate a lifetime of better dental health.

That’s a cause for celebration. It’s also the opportunity to indulge in a few treats and activities in advance of the orthodontic process.

As you count the days until that adventure begins, here are a few last-minute things to do before you get braces.

Sweets and treats

Although braces really have very little impact on your lifestyle, they do require a you to exercise diligence and a little self-control in terms of what you eat during treatment.

Sugary sweets should be kept to a minimum, while foods that cause you to bite down hard should either be avoided or chopped into bite-sized pieces.

And there’s a couple of reasons for this…

Sugary sweets like lollies, Minties, gummy bears, and jelly beans have the potential to leave a residue on your teeth that promotes bacteria and decay. The same applies to sugary drinks, including cola and sports drinks, so we also recommend avoiding these during braces treatment. During your orthodontic treatment, it is essential that you have good oral health.

Meanwhile, hard or chewy foods pose a slightly different problem. Foods that require you to bite down or chew hard have the potential to damage your braces, causing the brackets to come loose, or the arch wire to shift from the bracket and bend.

As you will be more careful with what you eat during braces treatment, you may want to really take those chompers for a spin prior to having your braces fitted.

So, by all means before your braces are fitted, indulge in a little food enjoyment that may include:

Hard foods like big juicy apples, nuts, crunchy vegetables, crusty rolls and pizza crusts

Chewy foods like steak

Bitsy foods like popcorn

Some of your favourite sweets (in moderation of course!)

A quick scale and clean

The week prior to having your damon braces fitted is an ideal time for a quick checkup and clean with your local dentist. This ensures your teeth are in premium condition and the surfaces are free from any plaque prior to having your braces fitted.

Don’t forget, you’ll still need to see your dentist regularly throughout orthodontic treatment, but it’s a great idea to have everything in tip top condition before the braces process begins.

Meanwhile, as you count the days until your braces are fitted, be sure to pay extra attention to your own dental hygiene routine. As always, brush twice daily with fluoride toothpaste, pay a little extra attention to those nooks and crannies, and be sure to floss.

The big day

Take a photo – The day you get braces is a great opportunity to document the first stage of your transformation, so grab a camera and take a big, cheesy ‘before’ photo of your teeth.

Within weeks their appearance will likely change and by the end of treatment, it will be amazing to see how far you’ve come.

Clean and floss – Give your teeth a really good clean prior to attending the orthodontist. Again, pay extra attention to those nooks and crannies, floss between teeth, and brush to ensure all the surfaces and gums are free from any residue.

When you get to the orthodontist, they’ll probably give your teeth a good clean too, but as braces is a team effort, your initial contribution will be appreciated.

Run your tongue over your teeth – As the Australian Society of Orthodontists suggests, be sure to run your tongue over your teeth to feel just how smooth they are. A few hours later this is going to feel quite different with brackets and arch wires in place.

On that note, when your braces come off, the smooth feeling of your teeth is one of the first moments people really enjoy.

The actual braces fitting

All right, let the transformation begin! Fitting your braces takes about thirty to fourty five minutes, and it’s a simple, painless process.

First the brackets are adhered to the teeth using a medical grade cement or glue that’s designed to set with a special light. This later comes off easily when we remove your braces.

Once the brackets are in position, the arch wire is inserted into place. At Norwest Orthodontics, we use the Damon Braces system, which allows the arch wire to slide between the brackets and gently shift your teeth into position.

Over the course of treatment, the strength and shape of this arch wire is regularly changed to continue moving the teeth and bite into the desired position.

After your braces are fitted, our Dental Nurses will go through some care advice for your braces. This includes oral hygiene, dietary advice and what to do in case of an orthodontic emergency.

And that’s the end of the actual fitting! But before you go, we will walk you through some tips on caring for your braces, and what you can expect as you get used to wearing them.

The week after braces are fitted

In the week after your braces are fitted, you will be getting used to the new sensation of having additional features in your mouth. Chances are your tongue will be busy exploring this new sensation of brackets and arch wires.

Meanwhile, your teeth may feel a little sensitive, and that’s perfectly normal. If it begins to bother you, over the counter pain relief like Panadol might assist.

Your braces might also rub a little on the inside of your mouth, and that too is easy to fix. Orthodontic wax will be provided to you when the braces are fitted. You can apply this to the brackets that are causing the irritation. Numbing gels like Bonjela are also useful for minimising any irritation inside your mouth.

It’s important to remember, all these minor inconveniences are just temporary and within a few days, you should soon be accustomed to your new braces.     

Now it’s time to enjoy the process as your smile undergoes its amazing transformation. Over the next few weeks your teeth will begin to straighten, after that your bite will begin to improve and at the end of treatment you will enjoy a lifetime of benefits that come with having straight, aligned teeth.

About Norwest Orthodontics

Norwest Orthodontist bella vista specialises in helping you achieve a great smile, no matter your age. We provide orthodontics for children, orthodontics for adults  that span from early intervention right through to remedial adult work.

We also have a suite of treatments available that include elemetrix orthodontics, Insignia treatment, somnodent Australia and welcome the opportunity to work with you to achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

You can learn more about our services, or contact us here to make an appointment here.


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